Tourism Ireland
Tourism Ireland is an interactive ad unit created to promote Ireland's tourist attractions. The design was designated to run across all three platforms, desktop, mobile, and connected TV.

Once we had the kick-off call with the clients, we locked down on an exploration unit based on their provided KPIs. I drew up a user flow and showed it to my strategist, and we both agreed this was the direction we were heading. Since the deadline was very tight and the unit was compact, the strategist and I decided we would divide and conquer; I would use place-holder copy while designing and update the mocks once the copy was ready.
Originally, I planned to have the four locations as buttons on the intro frame, but I thought it would be more educational to know all those locations' proximities. I, therefore, replaced the buttons with an Irish map, highlighted the four different areas with different colors, and made them clickable buttons. It is a great feeling designing something related to traveling as I'm an active traveler myself, which I can put myself in users' shoes and create a better design.

Due to technical limitations on connected-TV, I had to create a timed video for each location. This way, the users could not explore the image gallery freely as they could on the desktop version, but from a technology standpoint, it was a pretty big breakthrough for the connected-TV experience.
Desktop demo:
CTV demo: