Ad Studio Brand Identity
The True X Ad studio team needed a rebranding. Few of us within the design team decided that each of the participated designers would develop our design and let the entire Ad Studio team decide which one to be the team logo. Before diving into the design process, I proposed sending out a questionnaire to the team and asking what they think of the personality traits. After we consolidated the team's answers, we found the three most repeated words, inventive, passionate, and agile.
Inspired by those personality traits, I had a vain concept of how I wanted the logo to look. I then brainstormed by writing down the personality traits and adjectives related to those traits. I was also gathering up images for my mood board. Since I wanted to show people the Ad Studio team's adaptable and ever-changing natures, my sketches were steered toward looking obscure in perspective. After multiple rounds of feedback and updates, this is how I got to my final design.
After finalizing our logo designs, we sent out a poll to the rest of the team. The majority of the team members picked my logo as their favorite.